Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Totus Tuus - St. Louis de Montfort and Pope St. JPII

Today is the feast day of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716). It is also the 304th anniversary of his death. He is noted for promoting the "Total Consecration to Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary" as a way of growing in grace and in love for Jesus, her Son and our Lord.

To quote Pope St. John Paul II (the Great), "Thanks to St. Louis de Montfort, I came to understand that true devotion to the Mother of God is actually Christocentric, indeed, it is very profoundly rooted in the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, and the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption." ("Crossing the Threshold of Hope," 1994)  His heartfelt devotion to Our Lord and our Lady led him to take as his motto: "Totus Tuus." (Totally Yours) 

We sang @ the World Youth Day Opening Ceremonies in 1993 in Denver Mile High Stadium with our parish choir, the Cherubim Family Choir from Our Holy Redeemer R.C. Church, Freeport, NY. and were present when Pope John Paul II arrived. In 1996, we were blessed to have a private audience with him in Rome, Italy with the same choir.  (For those who have our CDs, you will see us with the future Pope St. JP II, our Papa) At other events, we sang for Vocation Walks with the Montfort Missionaries. These events led us to compose the song, "Totus Tuus." A Montfort Missionary helped us to keep the lyrics in the spirit of St. Louis Marie.

Totus Tuus
(St. Louis de Montfort)

Chorus: (2x)
Totus Tuus, we surrender.

1. Seek the wisdom of Christ
In the company of Mary. (Chorus)

2. Born again in the womb of Mary,
We’re shaped into Jesus
And Christ is formed in our hearts. (Chorus)

3. We depend on the Lord, our Teacher,
To do something great in the fire of His Charity. (Chorus)

4. Let us glorify God,
In the spirit of Mary. (Chorus)

This song is on the "All Holy Saints" and "Mother of America" CDs.

St. Louis' devotion, "Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary" inspired us to make our Consecration to Jesus through Mary in the 2000 Jubilee Year. We have continued this devotion every year since then. We give witness that this devotion to Jesus and Mary has changed our lives forever and opened doors for us to sing and compose songs all over the world. Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!

"That is why perfect consecration to Jesus is but a perfect and complete consecration of oneself to the Blessed Virgin, which is the devotion I teach; or in other words, it is the perfect renewal of the vows and promises of holy baptism.” 
- St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort

For more information on the Montforts, visit https://www.ourladyoftheisland.com

Thanks to Joseph Pronechen for sharing 21 Quotes of St. Louis de Montfort @ the National Catholic Register

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Thoughts of the Curé D'Ars - St. John Vianney Road to Emmaus

On this 3rd Sunday of Easter, the Gospel reading comes from the Gospel of St. Luke 24:13-35

When we have God in our hearts, it ought to glow.  The hearts of the Disciples on the road to Emmaus burnt within them at the sound of His Voice. (The Curé D'Ars and Contemplation)

Peace Be with You

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

He is Risen Indeed! A Blessed Easter to everyone!

Celebrate the glory, the joy and the Eternal Promise of Easter.

Jesus is risen from the dead. And He lives among us! Alleluia! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! May God bless you and your families. Music and Lyrics by Maria C. French & Gloria E. Giannuzzi, Ria Music Ministry © 2005 RIA Music Ministry Inc

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Maria & Gloria are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus and our Catholic Faith through authentic Catholic Music which strives to Inspire, Teach and Worship. We founded Ria Music Ministry to do just that.

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